Wrap Around Childcare and Holiday Club

Wrap Around Childcare

At The Play Den we understand that a parents typical working day doesn’t necessarily fit neatly in between the hours of 9am-5pm. We are pleased to be able to offer wrap-around-care for children between the ages of 4- 11 years old, who attend either St. Catherines Primary School, Beechcroft Infants or Ruskin Junior School.

We always drop your children off to school in a timely manner and are equally as punctual when collecting them at the end of their school day, so there is always peace of mind.

Your child’s breakfast session runs between 7.30am- 8am. There is always a wide choice of fresh food available and breakfast typically includes a selection of fruits, yogurt, toast, muffins, crumpets or cereal.

A typical after school session runs between 2.45pm and 5.45pm, which includes a high tea (fruit, yogurt, beans on toast, cheese on toast, muffins or sandwiches). There is an option to extend to 6pm, subject to a small charge. 

For both before and after school sessions, your child will have access to our large range of books, board games, cooking, wii, xbox, playstation, snooker and pool table, table top football, as well as a large and enclosed garden.

Rockin' Robins' Holiday Club


Our Rockin’ Robins Holiday Club runs two sessions, 7.45am – 5.45pm and 8.45am – 2.45pm. There is also an option to extend your child’s session to 6pm, subject to a small charge. 

Let us take the stress out of the school holidays and provide your child with the opportunity to try a range of activities including arts and crafts, baking/ cooking, outdoor play and are encouraged be active during their day. We encourage children to try something new, but understand that not every activity suits every child so an alternative is always available.

We have a wide range of resources including board games, arts and crafts materials, a generous and well fitted outdoor play area, plus regular outings to the local amenities such as the library, shops and the park. For rainy days we a Wii and a Play Station, plus snooker/pool table.

There’s plenty of breaks for snacks, drinks and a two course hot lunch and high tea is provided for those who are booked into the Rockin’ Robins club all day.


For eligible families, we offer 4 hours of government funded sessions, which includes a hot meal, as part of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme. To check your eligibility, visit Swindon Borough Council’s website, here.